Croydon Creative Directory
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We would be grateful if information on the key decision makers in your business / organisation (e.g. founder, management team, trustees or board) could be entered here – it helps us to access further support to continue our work and to monitor our Equal Opportunities Policy in practice.

It is for statistical purposes only and is anonymised on receipt.

Which term(s) best describe the gender identities of your organisation’s key decision maker(s)?

What are their ages?

How would you / they describe their ethnic origins?

White / White British

Mixed / multiple ethnic groups

Asian / Asian British

Black / African / Caribbean / Black British

Other ethnic group

Religion and belief: What are your / their religions?

Sexual orientation: Do you / they consider themselves to be?

In terms of the definition below, do you / they consider themselves to be disabled?

The following is an internationally recognised definition of disability: "People with physical, mental or sensory disabilities: with hidden disabilities such as psoriasis, epilepsy, heart, chest conditions: people with disabilities linked to ageing, people suffering from a mental illness".